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The heart of Christian Science is Love. It is about feeling God’s goodness. It is based on the Bible and is explained in S&H and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy.

It addresses major points about God, good and evil, life and death, sacrament, salvation and more. There is much more information at ChristianScience.com including videos of how people live the teachings of Christian Science.

Click here to read the Tenets of Christian Science.

Christian Science is not faith healing.
Christian Science does not involve pleading with God to heal the sick and then accepting His will, good or bad. Nothing in Christian Science theology says it’s God’s will that anyone suffer, be sick, or die. Christian Science shows God to be entirely good, and therefore His will for each individual is only health and life.

It’s not positive thinking which relies on the human mind to think or effect a good result.
Christian Science starts with God, who is divine Mind, and the conviction that God’s goodness embraces each of us, all the time.

And not a cult. There is no brainwashing, mind control, or blind following of a leader.
Christian Scientists do have a deep respect and appreciation for the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, but they do not worship her.

Christian Science is the study and application of teachings of Jesus Christ

No. Christian Science is very different from Scientology.
Through her search of the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy discovered the Christ Science. It is based on the teachings of Christ Jesus. Christian Scientists believe in one all-powerful, ever-present, loving God. They study the Bible daily and look to its inspired Word for guidance in every aspect of their lives.

A science is a study. Christian Science is a study and practice of divine law as seen in the teaching and ministry of Christ.

It’s based upon a set of spiritual principles—laws relating to the nature of God and His creation—that can be applied with expected, consistent results. Christian Science is based on the Bible, and Christian Scientists follow the teachings and ministry of Christ Jesus. The virgin birth, the crucifixion, the resurrection and ascension of Christ Jesus, and the healing work of Jesus, are all central to Christian Science theology.

Christian Science practitioners are self-employed individuals, who have completed a course in spiritual healing given by an authorized teacher of Christian Science, and who devote themselves full time to helping and healing others through prayer. While practitioners do not offer counseling, diagnosis, prognosis, or any physical manipulation or treatment, they do offer Christian Science treatment—as explained in Eddy’s book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

Christian Science treatment is the application of spiritual principles—who and what God is and what that means for each individual—to the specifics of any given situation. These spiritual principles, applied, have a tangible effect—restored relationships, financial well-being, physical healing, and so on.

Christian Science Nurses and Care Facilities are also available when assistance or care is needed for an individual relying on Christian Science treatment.

A Christian Scientist’s first choice is to rely on prayer for healing, and in most cases this means that a medical remedy is unnecessary.

There is no church mandate, no biblical mandate to forgo medical intervention, nor do Christian Scientists believe that it’s God’s will that anyone suffer or die. A Christian Scientist’s decision to rely on prayer comes from trust, not blind faith, in God, and from a conviction that God’s care continues under every circumstance.

Christian Science parents are like any other parents—they love their children and want the very best care for them. They also recognize their moral and legal obligation to ensure that their children receive this care. Parents who choose Christian Science treatment for a child do so because they’ve seen the effectiveness of this treatment in their own lives.

Many Christian Scientists would tell you that they would naturally turn to God for healing because they’d seen the effectiveness of this approach in the past.

This, however, does not prevent them from having a bone set if they so choose. The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, and The Herald of Christian Science also contain documented healings of broken bones.

There have been many Christian Science healings of conditions that have been medically diagnosed, and many medical confirmations of those healings. However, one does not need a medical diagnosis to know a person was ill and then healthy.

Christian Scientists care about their neighbors and abide by city and state laws or mandates regarding quarantines, vaccinations, and the like. The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, and The Herald of Christian Science (found in Christian Science Reading Rooms) contain many documented healings of communicable diseases and show the role prayer can play, not just in protecting and healing individuals, but in helping communities as well.

Christian Scientists seek accommodations in laws to ensure that healthcare choices include the system of spiritual prayer that they have found to be effective.

Some have health insurance, and most probably have life insurance. Every Christian Scientist makes his or her own financial and health decisions.

The Christian Science Monitor was founded out of a need for un-sensationalized news and a desire to be informed to better pray for the entire world.

The desire of every Christian Scientist is to see the suffering in the world alleviated, and Christian Scientists take encouragement from Jesus’ example in healing even the most extreme suffering. He overcame poverty, hunger, severe weather, even incurable mental and physical maladies—and he promised his followers they could do the same.

The Church does not take an official position on abortion, cloning, and other “hot-button issues”. These are all serious issues, and they deserve everyone’s deep thought and prayer—including Christian Scientists’.

Do you pay any attention to problems like poverty, racism, genocide, famine, etc?
These are certainly problems that need addressing, and this is the reason Mary Baker Eddy founded the newspaper The Christian Science Monitor—to alert the world to these problems and to invite solutions. Many Christian Scientists find their prayers regarding these issues lead them to take practical steps.

The Christian Science JournalChristian Science Sentinel, and The Herald of Christian Science, along with Churches of Christ, Scientist, regularly offer healing responses to these problems as well as ideas to help each individual address them through prayer. These publications are all available in the Christian Science Reading Room –current issues, a 120 plus year library of archived issues, and a searchable electronic library.

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